Friday, March 30, 2012

Wk 1 Wimba Archive

While watching the Wk 1 Wimba Archive, I had trouble hearing the information clearly at times. This class is going to be jammed packed with getting us ready for month 12. It is getting down to the wire. This Wimba session was an introduction to the course.

The assignments due week by week was discussed. I looked over the syllabus and watched the pre-session videos, we have a lot to do in 4 weeks. It's overwhelming at first but I made it this far so I just have to get in an do the work. The course at a glance was very helpful to me because I love charts. I am super organized, almost OCD. Thanks Professor B! Due dates for this class are very important because this class determines whether we move on to month 12. I am looking forward to interacting and working through this course. Let's have fun and get things done.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing the archive, sorry about the sound issues and I completely agree: Let's have some fun!
